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Portbury Parish Council

A few days before the next Parish Council Meeting you will find here the agenda and papers that will be considered at the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting are also here, but not fully signed off. When approved they will appear on the minutes section of the site

The Parish Council meetings are now resuming in the Village Hall. Residents are very welcome. If you think you may want to join us do let us know (if possible) so that we can ensure Covid regulations are followed.

Past Minutes

Unconfirmed minutes of December meeting

Agenda for January meeting

Finance for Dec 24

December bank reconciliation

December allotment finance


































































Documents can be made available in large print, audio, easy read, and other formats. Documents on our website can also be e-mailed to you as plain text files. Help is also available for people who require council information in languages other than English. For more information go to our contact page.


















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