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Portbury Parish Council

Welome to Portbury Parish Council Website. 

The Parish Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month, unless advertised otherwise. Dates are displayed on this page. Meetings are in the Village Hall commencing at 8.00pm.

To view the upcoming agenda and previous minutes go here.

On this site you can find some local information and also copies of previous minutes and some reports. You can also contact us via our contact page. New residents might find this page interesting. For a list of EMERGENCY numbers go here. Should you find any errors on our pages please let us know, and if there is anything you would find useful to see please also make a suggestion, again via our contact page.

Parish Precept

We often get asked about where our finance comes from. Each year North Somerset charges us Council Tax, which on average is about £2000 per household in Portbury. Within that there is an annual charge (precept) on each household which provides the Parish Council with a total of about £29,000 a year to take care of the things we are responsible for. This equates to an average of £60 per household. Funds are spent on a wide range of things - summarised below. For more detail you can look at our minutes and financial records - here


You can also get a fuller breakdown of how North Somerset put together our Council Tax each year look here.

To continue to our welcome page go here. North Somerset have now finalised the new Local Plan (2039) and it is now in its final consultation stage. To view and comment on it go here. Consultation is open until the 24th of January via the NSC website.

Wenda Cowlard


Portbury Parish Council
