This page deals with complaints
Firstly you may not complain about the substance of Policy decisions made by this Council. If you wish to influence the principles underlying policies that we set then you should seek to be elected as a Councillor at the next May election, or you should apply to become a Councilllor if there is a current vacancy.
If you wish to complain about the conduct of an individual Councillor then you should make representation to the Monitoring Officer at North Somerset Council. We suggest you make contact in the first instance with their liaison officer
If you have a complaint about administration or procedural matters you should first contact the Parish Clerk who will endeavour to deal with your complaint.
If you feel unwilling to contact the Clerk then you may approach the Chairman of Portbury Parish Council Directly via e-mail or by letter or phone here.
To understand the process that is followed when a complaint is received and the timescales for reply then please see our full policy document.